Discover our 350m Nepalese Bridge, the longest suspension bridge in the Indian Ocean. Installed between 80 meters to 100 meters above a canopy, breathe the pure and unpolluted oxygen. Experience the breeze against your face, admire the panoramic view of the coasts and the southern landscapes of the island as you will not see them never elsewhere. Your fear of heights will turn into a memorable experience.

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Requirements for the Nepalese Bridge to La Vallée des Couleurs

Minimum Age
12 years

Minimum Height

Minimum Weight

Maximum Weight 150kg


We live for the nature

The perfect Nepalese bridge adventure with the best nature views

Discover our 350m Nepalese Bridge, the longest suspension bridge in the Indian Ocean. Installed between 80 meters to 100 meters above a canopy, breathe pure and unpolluted oxygen

the breeze against your face, admire the panoramic view of the southern coasts and landscapes of the island as you will never see them elsewhere. Your fear of heights will turn into a memorable experience. Crossing the Nepalese Bridge is not just for thrill seekers. The activity is completely secure at La Vallée des Couleurs.

Nepalese bridge is safe at La Vallée des Couleurs

Security is 100% guaranteed. We invest heavily in the maintenance and audits of our equipment are carried out by specialized international professional firms. The purpose of protecting our visitors. In addition, our equipment is checked daily by our local team, and complies with the strictest standards, because your safety is our responsibility. Because we do not compromise on quality and safety, we are in the process of ISO certification.

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  • From ₨ 650 to ₨ 1,250

    Nepalese Bridge

    Book and Cross the longest suspended bridge of the Indian Ocean (350m).

    Book Now
  • From ₨ 725 to ₨ 5,350


    We have the largest zipline offerings. Select and fly to experience a birds-eye view of the park.

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  • From ₨ 0 to ₨ 500

    Admission Fee

    Explore the park through our walking trail with the help of our maps and signage.

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  • From Rs 450 to Rs 1,250

    Mountain Luge kart

    Onboard your kart and enjoy the most uplifting downhill experience.

    Book Now